这 道格拉斯A-4天鹰 is a single seat subsonic carrier-capable attack aircraft developed for the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps in the early 1950s. The delta winged, single turbojet engined Skyhawk was designed and produced by Douglas Aircraft Company, and later by McDonnell Douglas. It was originally designated A4D under the U.S. Navy’s pre-1962 designation system.
The Skyhawk is a relatively lightweight aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 24,500 pounds (11,100 kg) and has a top speed of more than 670 miles per hour (1,080 km/h). The aircraft’s five hardpoints support a variety of missiles, bombs and other munitions. It was capable of carrying a bomb load equivalent to that of a World War II-era Boeing B-17 bomber, and could deliver nuclear weapons using a low-altitude bombing system and a “loft” delivery technique. The A-4 was originally powered by the Wright J65 turbojet engine; from the A-4E onwards, the Pratt & Whitney J52 was used.
Skyhawks played key roles in the Vietnam War, the Yom Kippur War, and the Falklands War. Sixty years after the aircraft’s first flight in 1954, some of the 2,960 produced (through February 1979) remain in service with several air arms around the world.
源: 道格拉斯 A - 4 天鹰在维基百科
这 道格拉斯A-4天鹰 是一种单座、亚音速航母能力攻击机,于 1950 年代初期为美国海军和美国海军陆战队开发。Skyhawk 由道格拉斯飞机公司的 Ed Heinemann 设计,以响应美国海军对喷气动力攻击机的呼吁,以取代旧的 AD Skyraider。Heinemann 选择了一种能够最大限度地减少其尺寸、重量和复杂性的设计。结果是一架飞机的重量仅为海军重量规格的一半。它的机翼非常紧凑,不需要折叠起来作为载体的存放。
这 答-4 于 1954 年至 1979 年生产,共生产了 2,960 架飞机。最后一批 A-4 于 2003 年从美国海军现役部队退役,但其中一些仍用作训练机和敌机。Skyhawk 是历史上最成功、服役时间最长的飞机设计之一。