FV103 Spartan

FV103 Spartan

ZemljaVelike britanije
UloguOklopni nosač osoblja
Unošenje usluge1978

FV103 Spartan je praćeni oklopni nosač osoblja britanske vojske. Razvijen je kao APC varijanta porodice za izviđanje borbenih vozila (Tracked). Vozilo može da prevozi do sedam osoblja, uključujući tri člana posade. Naoružan jednim mitraljezom, gotovo da se ne može ne razlikujuti od FV102 Strikera u spoljnom izgledu. Umesto generalnog transportera pešadije, Spartanac je korišćen za premeštanje specijalističkih timova, kao što su protivavioni raketni timovi. Proizvedena je protivtenkovska varijanta Spartana pod nazivom FV120 Spartan MCT; ovo je naoružano protivtenkovskim raketama MILAN-a. Skoro 500 Spartanaca služilo je u britanskim oružanim snagama od kada su ušli u službu 1978. sada ih zamenjuju novija vozila.

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Više informacija:

The FV103 Spartan is a tracked armoured personnel carrier of the British Army. It was developed as part of the Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) family of armoured fighting vehicles, designed by Alvis plc. The vehicle entered service with the British military in 1978 and has been used for transporting specialized teams such as anti-aircraft missile teams, mortar fire controller teams and reconnaissance teams. The vehicle can carry up to seven personnel, including three crew members and four passengers or two crew members and five passengers. It is armed with a single 7.62 mm machine gun and can have four smoke dischargers on each side.
The FV103 Spartan has a combat weight of 10,670 kilograms and a length of 5.16 metres. It has a width of 2.48 metres and a height of 2.63 metres. It is powered by a Cummins BTA 5.9 litre diesel engine that produces 190 horsepower. It has a maximum speed of 96 kilometres per hour and a range of 510 kilometres. It has a torsion bar suspension system that allows it to negotiate up to 60% gradients.
The FV103 Spartan is similar in appearance to the FV102 Striker, except for the missile launcher on the Striker. The Spartan can also be used as a resupply vehicle for the Striker, carrying extra Swingfire missiles. An anti-tank variant of the Spartan armed with MILAN anti-tank missiles has been produced, named the FV120 Spartan MCT (Spartan with MILAN Compact Turret). Another variant armed with Javelin anti-tank missiles has also been developed.
The FV103 Spartan has served with several countries besides the United Kingdom, such as Belgium, Iraq, Oman, Latvia and Ukraine. Nearly 500 Spartans have served with the British armed forces since entering service in 1978.

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