FMA AT-63 Pampa

FMA IA-63 Pampa

UloguTrenerski avioni
Prvi let6 Oktobar 1984

Čaj IA-63 Pampa je napredni mlazni trener sa borbenom sposobnošću, koji u Argentini proizvodi Fabrica Militar de Aviones (FMA) uz asistenciju Dornjera iz Nemačke.

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Više informacija:

The FMA IA-63 Pampa is a jet trainer and light attack aircraft designed and manufactured by the Argentine company FMA (Fábrica Militar de Aviones). It was first flown in 1984 and entered service with the Argentine Air Force in 1988. The Pampa can perform various roles, such as basic and advanced training, close air support, reconnaissance, and counter-insurgency. It has a single turbofan engine, a tandem cockpit, a low-wing configuration, and a tricycle landing gear. The Pampa can carry up to 1,500 kg of weapons and external fuel tanks on four underwing hardpoints. It has a maximum speed of 820 km/h and a range of 1,100 km. The Pampa is currently in service with Argentina and Guatemala, and has been exported to several other countries.

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