Modelling the IS Heavy Tank - Osprey Modelling

Modelling the IS Heavy Tanks

UređivačOsprey izdavaštvo
SerieOsprey Modelling

Potpisana knjiga Osprey izdavaštvo the book «Modelling the IS Heavy Tank – Osprey Modelling» .

Čaj IS (Iosef Stalin) heavy tanks were some of the most widely used AFVs produced by the USSR. First entering combat in 1944, the IS-2 went head-to-head with German tanks such as the Panther, Tiger and King Tiger, and post war IS-2s and IS-3s were exported to China, Cuba and North Korea. This book is packed with easy to follow super-detailing and finishing instructions for building the IS-2, IS-3, and IS-3M variants, as well as for the prototype ISU-152, and features kits from manufacturers such as Dragon, Tamiya, and Fujimi. Advanced scratch-building techniques and working with photo-etched and other after-market accessories in 1/35 and 1/76 scales are covered, making this highly accessible book a welcome addition to any modeller’s library..

Ova knjiga će ispitati korene ove plodne tenkovske porodice, počevši od prvih pokušaja sovjetske vojske da zameni legendarni T-34 tokom Drugog svetskog rata, i pokriva T-43 i T-44, uspešniji T-54, i njegovu konačnu evoluciju u T-55.

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Modelling the IS Heavy Tank - Osprey Modelling
Modelling the IS Heavy Tank – Osprey Modelling
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