The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.25 - ALLIED-AXIS 25

Ampersand Izdavaštvo

KolekcijuSaveznička osa

Gun Motor Carriage M19

Une documentation signée Ampersand Izdavaštvo le livre «The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.25 – ALLIED-AXIS 25» .

Sto des matières:

  • 40mm Gun Motor Carriage M19
  • Panter Ausf. A
  • Opšte električno 60" svetlo za pretragu
  • Oklopni automobil SdKfz 222
  • Fordov kamion sa bombama
  • Ford Fordor Staff Car

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The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.25 - ALLIED-AXIS 25
The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.25 – ALLIED-AXIS 25

Broj posetilaca : 609

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