Medzinárodný kombajn M-2-4-233

Medzinárodný kombajn M-2-4-233

KrajinySpojené štáty americké
Úlohu1 ton Cargo Truck

Fotogaléria Medzinárodný kombajn M-2-4-233, The M-2-4 is a one-ton, two-axle, four-wheel-drive cargo truck built by I.H.C. and supplied to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps during WWII. Production of the 1-ton M-2-4 began in 1941 with an order for 584 cargo trucks. The vast majority of these were open-cab cargo trucks, but a few were built with closed civilian “K” cabs with military fenders and hoods. Winches were furnished on 70 of the 584 trucks. The balance of the 10,450 vehicles were open-cab cargo trucks.

Zdrojový: International Harvester M-2-4-233 on Ewarbirds

International Harvester M-2-4-233
FotografVladimír Jakubov
LokalizáciaMVCC Camp Delta 2012
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International Harvester M-2-4-233
FotografVladimír Jakubov

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Viac info:

Komisia Medzinárodný kombajn M-2-4-233 was a 1 1/2 ton 4×4 cargo truck that was used by the United States Army during World War II. It was one of the first mass-produced four-wheel drive trucks in the world, and it served in various roles such as troop transport, ambulance, artillery tractor, and mobile workshop. The M-2-4-233 had a 233 cubic inch six-cylinder engine that produced 78 horsepower and a four-speed manual transmission.
It had a payload capacity of 3,000 pounds and a top speed of 50 miles per hour. The M-2-4-233 was also equipped with a power take-off (PTO) that could drive various auxiliary equipment such as winches, pumps, and generators. The M-2-4-233 was a reliable and versatile vehicle that proved its worth in many theaters of war.

Zobrazenia : 2584

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