PzKpfw II vol2 - Walk Around

Panzer II


Album de 103 walkaround photos of the tank "PzKpfw II"

Photo Gallery on a PzKpfw II, The Panzerkampfwagen II abbreviated PzKpfw II and known as Sd.Kfz.121 was a German tank during World War II. Like its predecessor the PzKpfw I, it was designed as a temporary device that allows to wait for the arrival of the PzKpfw III tanks and the Panzer IV. They were in fact intended to be used for training purposes to train the panzerwaffe crews in the tactics of the future Blitzkrieg.

Mais le retard dans la mise au point et la production des Panzers II et IV obligea l’état major Allemand à les utiliser en grand nombre durant le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale jusqu’à l’année 1941 où ils purent être progressivement remplacés. Le Panzer II remained was later used as a reconnaissance vehicle and chassis for the Marder II as well as the Wespe.

Source: Panzer II on Wikipedia

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World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

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