HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 - Trompetist 05797


Ref 05797

HMS Queen Elizabeth 1918

En modell av merkevaren Trumpeter settet: HMS Queen Elizabeth 1918 – Trumpeter 05797.

The kit consists of over 170 parts : – Lower hull & upper hull made from multi-directional slide moulds. – Either full hull version or waterline version can be selected. – Deck wood pattern finely rendered – Contains display stand and engraved name plate – Photo-etched frets included

HMS Queen Elizabeth was the name ship of the Queen Elizabeth class of battleships. She was the most powerful battleship in the British fleet when completed, and continued to provide valuable service with the Royal Navy during the Second World War, where she served as the flagship of Admiral Andrew Cunningham in the Mediterranean. She was built with sixteen 6in guns. However, the four guns below the quarterdeck proved to be useless and were replaced by two guns above the midships battery, a layout that was copied on the rest of the class.

Source: Trumpeter

HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 - Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 – Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 - Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 – Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 - Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 – Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 - Trompetist 05797
HMS Dronning Elizabeth 1918 – Trompetist 05797

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