
Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle

Land Australië
Role 4×4 MRAP Cat. II
In gebruik 1997-heden
Gebouwd 1072

De Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle of Infantry Mobility Vehicle is een in Australië gebouwd vierwielig, vierwielaangedreven gepantserd voertuig. De Bushmaster wordt geproduceerd door Thales Australië met een ondersteuningscontract van Oshkosh Truck. De Bushmaster is momenteel in dienst bij de Australische landmacht, Royal Australian Air Force, Koninklijke Nederlandse Landmacht, Britse Landmacht en de Jamaica Defence Force

Bron: Bushmaster op Wikipedia
Bushmaster Walk Around
Fotograaf Marcel Bouman
Lokalisatie Onbewust
Foto 's 19
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Meer info:

De Bushmaster beschermd mobiliteitsvoertuig is a four-wheel drive armoured vehicle designed and manufactured by Thales Australia. It is used by the Australian Defence Force, the Royal Netherlands Army, the British Army and other military forces for troop transport, convoy escort, patrol and peacekeeping operations. The Bushmaster is capable of carrying up to nine soldiers and their equipment, and provides protection against small arms fire, mines, improvised explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades.
The vehicle has a modular design that allows for different variants and configurations, such as ambulance, command, mortar, assault pioneer and surveillance. The Bushmaster has a V-shaped hull that deflects blast waves and a composite armour that absorbs kinetic energy. The vehicle is also equipped with a remote weapon station, a fire suppression system, a self-recovery winch and an air conditioning system. The Bushmaster has a maximum speed of 100 km/h and a range of 800 km. It can be transported by C-130 Hercules and C-17 Globemaster III aircraft.

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