USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 - 트럼펫 05769


Ref 05769
형식모델 키트

USS Maryland BB-46 1941

브랜드의 모델 Trumpeter 키트: USS Maryland BB-46 1941 – Trumpeter 05769.

Features : Lower hull & upper hull made from multi-directional slide moulds. – Either full hull version or waterline version can be selected. – Deck wood pattern finely rendered – Contains two OS2U plane – Contains display stand and engraved name plate – Photo-etched frets included

USS Maryland (BB-46), as the Colorado class battleship second ship.Build in 1917 at the Newport news shipyard, launched in 1920, Service in 1921. USS Maryland mainly on training, and participated in various fleet problem-solving exercises.In 1941, the Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor, USS Maryland also attacked and damaged in the harbor.After the attack on the America Maryland returned to repair, and made for modernization.1942 USS Maryland returned to fight in the war, and has taken part in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands, the Mariana Islands and Palau in the war and the battle of Leyte gulf.After the battle of USS Maryland, was a kamikaze aircraft suicide attack, had to withdraw repair.After the battle of Okinawa and Maryland, and to assist the Allied forces after Japan’s surrender in the occupation of the local, and then return.USS Maryland retired 1947, and in 1959 except by selling dismantling.

Source: Trumpeter

USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 - 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 – 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 - 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 – 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 - 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 – 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 - 트럼펫 05769
USS 메릴랜드 BB-46 1941 – 트럼펫 05769
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