PaeseUnione Sovietica
RuoloAuto scout corazzata anfibia
In servizio1957–1970s (USSR)

Le BRDM-1 literally “armored reconnaissance/patrol vehicle” is a Soviet amphibious armored scout car. It was the first purpose-built Soviet reconnaissance vehicle to enter service since the BA-64 and was built on the chassis and drive train of the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier. It is the world’s first mass-produced combat vehicle of its class.

fonte: BRDM-1 on Wikipedia

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Maggiori informazioni:

The BRDM-1 (Bronirovannaya Razvedyvatelno-Dozornaya Mashina) was a Soviet amphibious reconnaissance vehicle. Developed in the 1950s, it saw widespread service with Warsaw Pact armies and many other countries around the world.

Caratteristiche principali

  • Amphibious Capability: The BRDM-1 could operate both on land and in water, making it highly versatile.
  • High Speed: It was capable of reaching high speeds both on land and in water.
  • Armament: Typically armed with a 14.5mm KPVT heavy machine gun and a 7.62mm PKT machine gun.
  • Reconnaissance Role: Designed primarily for reconnaissance, surveillance, and patrol missions.
  • Variants: Produced in various variants, including command vehicles, anti-aircraft vehicles, and medical vehicles.


The BRDM-1 was a successful and widely used armored vehicle. It played a significant role in military operations throughout the Cold War and continues to be used by some militaries today. Its design influenced the development of subsequent generations of armored reconnaissance vehicles.

Punti di vista : 18

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