Il diario fotografico della seconda guerra mondiale No.23 - ALLIED-AXIS 23

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EditoreAmpersand Publishing

SdKfz 7, 8-ton KM m 11 halftrack

Une documentation signée Ampersand Publishing le livre «The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.23 – ALLIED-AXIS 23» .

Table des matières:

  • M4A3E2 Jumbo: America’s heavyweight fighter
  • SdKfz 7, 8-ton KM m 11 halftrack, part two
  • U.S. Army Snow Tractors
  • The Armored Utility Car M20
  • SPA/Fiat TM40 Prime Mover
  • 6-ton Bridge Erector Truckr

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Il diario fotografico della seconda guerra mondiale No.23 - ALLIED-AXIS 23
The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.23 – ALLIED-AXIS 23

Visualizzazioni : 532

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