M43 Tarack motorkocsi - WalkAround

M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage

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Albuma 39 photos walk-around of a «M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage»

Photo Gallery of a M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage, The 203 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M43 was a United States self-propelled artillery vehicle built on a widened and lengthened Medium Tank M4A3 chassis, but with a Continental engine and HVSS that was introduced at the end of the Second World War.

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További információ:

The M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage was a self-propelled artillery vehicle developed by the United States during World War II. It was based on a modified M4A3 Sherman tank chassis, with a wider and longer hull, a Continental engine, and a horizontal volute spring suspension (HVSS). The main armament was a M115 203 mm (8 inch) howitzer, capable of firing various types of shells at a maximum range of 16,800 meters. The M43 had a crew of eight and weighed about 38 tons. Only 48 M43s were built, and they saw limited service in Europe and Korea.

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