ATF Dingó 2A2-A2.3

ATF Dingó

SzerepetGyalogsági mobilitási jármű
Szolgálatban2000 – napjainkig

A ATF Dingó is a German heavily armored military MRAP infantry mobility vehicle based on a Unimog chassis with a V-hull design, produced by the company Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW). The first prototype of the Dingo 1 was completed in 1995 and the first production Dingo 1 entered service in 2000 with the German Army. It is designed to withstand land mines, rifle fire, artillery fragments and NBC-threats. ATF stands for Allschutz-Transport-Fahrzeug, meaning all-protected transport vehicle in German. It is named after the Australian native dog, the dingo. The Dingo 2 entered service in late 2004 after undergoing trials from November 2003-May 2004. Currently KMW is developing the Dingo 2 GFF for the German Army with increased internal volume. Textron signed an exclusive deal to produce and market KMW’s Dingo in the United States. However, Textron chose its own more expensive and heavier M1117 Armored Security Vehicle for the MRAP competition, which did not receive a contract.

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További információ:

The ATF Dingo is a family of armored vehicles developed by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann for the German Army and other international customers. The name Dingo comes from the Australian wild dog, and ATF stands for Allschutz Transport Fahrzeug, which means all-protected transport vehicle in German. The Dingo is based on a Unimog chassis with a V-shaped hull that provides protection against landmines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), small arms fire, artillery shrapnel and nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) threats.
The Dingo has several variants, including patrol, command post, ambulance and reconnaissance versions. The first version of the Dingo was introduced in 2000 and was followed by the improved Dingo 2 in 2004. The Dingo 2 has a larger internal volume, a more powerful engine and a higher payload capacity than its predecessor. The Dingo 2 can be fitted with different weapon systems, such as machine guns or grenade launchers, mounted on a remote-controlled turret. The Dingo has been used by Germany and other countries in various missions around the world, such as Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.

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