IJN NAKAJIMA Erikoishyökkääjä SHISEI KIKKA - Hienot muotit FB10

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Referring to the Me262 jet fighter technical documents have already been put into practical use in the Air Force in Germany at that time, Tachibana flower design has been started in July 1944 as Japan’s first jet aircraft. Since the design change was repeated by changing the engine and equipped with shortage of materials, first flight of a Unit will be August 7, 20 In addition, the decision hard without a request from the Navy plan. The first jet flight was successful in Japan, after four days of testing should be flying and the second will fail to liftoff. Aircraft is damaged, we reached the end of the war as it is.

IJN NAKAJIMA Erikoishyökkääjä SHISEI KIKKA - Hienot muotit FB10
IJN NAKAJIMA Erikoishyökkääjä SHISEI KIKKA – Hienot muotit FB10
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