Centurion ARV Mk.II

FVFV4006 Centurion ARV Mk.2

TipoVehículo blindado de recuperación
En servicio1946-presente

el Centurion ARV Mk II, was a British armored recovery vehicle based on the Centurion main battle tank. The Centurion, introduced in 1945, was the primary British main battle tank of the post-World War II period. It is widely considered to be one of the most successful post-war tank designs, remaining in production into the 1960s, and seeing combat in the front lines into the 1980s. The chassis was also adapted for several other roles, and these have remained in service to this day. FV 4006 Centurion ARV Mk 2 : (1956) – Mk 1 / Mk 2 / Mk 3 hull with the turret replaced by a superstructure housing a winch. The winch is powered by an auxiliary engine and is capable of pulling of up to 90 tons using a system of blocks. Armed with a single .30 inch machine gun on the commander’s cupola.

Fuente: Centurion ARV Mk.2 en Wikipedia

FV4006 Centurion ARV Mk.2
FotógrafoVladimir Yakubov
LocalizaciónColección Unjacques Littlefieldsaber
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Número construido4,423
Equipo4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver)
Rango operativo450km
Centurion Mk.2 ARV Walk Around
FotógrafoMeindert de Vreeze

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Más información:

el FV4006 Centurion ARV (Armoured Recovery Vehicle) was a British post-war armoured recovery vehicle based on the Centurion main battle tank. It was designed to recover and repair damaged or disabled tanks on the battlefield. The FV4006 Centurion ARV had a crew of four: commander, driver, mechanic and winch operator. It was equipped with a hydraulically operated spade at the rear, a 25-ton winch, a crane with a lifting capacity of 7.5 tons, and various tools and spare parts.
el FV4006 Centurion ARV podía remolcar hasta dos tanques a la vez, utilizando un bastidor rígido en A o una barra de remolque flexible. También podría realizar reparaciones y mantenimiento menores en los tanques, como reemplazar orugas, ruedas, motores o cañones. El FV4006 Centurion ARV entró en servicio con el Ejército Británico en 1952 y fue utilizado en varios conflictos, como la Guerra de Corea, la Crisis de Suez, la Emergencia Malaya y la Guerra Indo-Pakistaní de 1965. También se exportó a varios países, como Australia, Canadá, India, Israel y Sudáfrica. El FV4006 Centurion ARV fue reemplazado gradualmente por el FV4204 Chieftain ARV en las décadas de 1970 y 1980.

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