Μ31 Β2 ARV


ΠληκτρολογήστεΌχημα ανάκτησης δεξαμενών
ΠαράγεταιΑύγουστος 1941 – Δεκέμβριος 1942

Συλλογή φωτογραφιών ενός M31B1 όχημα ανάκτησης δεξαμενών, The Medium Tank M3 was an American tank used during World War II. In Britain, the tank was called by two names based on the turret configuration and crew size. Tanks employing US pattern turrets were called the “Lee”, named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Variants using British pattern turrets were known as “Grant”, named after U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant. M31B1 όχημα ανάκτησης δεξαμενών: Based on M3A3.

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ΦωτογράφοςΒλαντιμίρ Γιακούμποφ
ΕντοπισμούΜουσείο Πάτον
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M31B2 TRV (Tank Recovery Vehicle)
Μ31Β2Όχημα ανάκτησης δεξαμενών βασισμένο στο M3A5
ΦωτογράφοςΝτμίτρι Κιγιάτκιν
M31 B2 ARV
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Περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

Teh Μ31Β1 was a tank recovery vehicle based on the M3A3 medium tank chassis. It was designed to tow disabled tanks from the battlefield and perform basic repairs. The M31B1 had a dummy turret and a dummy 75 mm gun to resemble a combat tank and avoid being targeted by enemy fire. It also had a winch with a 30-ton capacity and a crane with a 3-ton capacity.
Teh Μ31Β1 was used by the US Army and the British Army in various theaters of World War II, such as North Africa, Italy and Western Europe. The M31B1 was later replaced by the M32 series of tank recovery vehicles, which were based on the M4 Sherman tank chassis.

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