RAF Gladiator - HOBBY BOSS 80289

Hobby Boss


RAF Gladiator


Ein Modell der Marke HobbyBoss das Kit : RAF Gladiator – HOBBY BOSS 80289

Funktionen : The kit consists of over 20 parts, includes 1 clear windscreen/canopy

It was the RAF’s last biplane fighter aircraft and was rendered obsolete by newer monoplane designs even as it was being introduced. Though often pitted against more formidable foes during the early days of the Second World War, it acquitted itself reasonably well in combat.

Quelle: Hobby Boss

RAF Gladiator - HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator – HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator - HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator – HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator - HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator – HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator - HOBBY BOSS 80289
RAF Gladiator – HOBBY BOSS 80289
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