Пума 4x4 MRAP

Пума 4×4 MRAP

ТипПревозно средство за мобилност на пехотата

1. Пума е MRAP и infantry mobility vehicle structured to be resistant to landmines and improvised munitions. It is a family of armored vehicles produced by Force Protection Inc, which manufactures ballistic and mine-protected vehicles. The vehicles are integrated by Spartan Motors. These vehicles are protected against small arms, land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) using a combination of design features and materials to protect both the crew and engine compartment against a wide range of attacks. A Monocoque type, V-shaped hull extends to the engine bay and serves to direct the blast away from under the vehicle. The dual air-conditioners help keep heavily dressed troops from overheating in temperatures over 100 °F (38 °C) in Iraq.

Източник: Пума 4×4 MRAP на Уики

Пума 4×4 MRAP разходка около
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияВъздушно шоу Мирамар 2014, Сан Диего
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Пума 4×4 MRAP разходка около
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияМузей на военноморските биби на САЩ

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Повече информация:

The Cougar 4×4 MRAP is a mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle that was developed by Force Protection Inc, based on South African designs. The vehicle is designed to withstand landmines, improvised explosive devices and small arms fire. The Cougar 4×4 MRAP has a V-shaped hull that deflects the blast away from the crew compartment and the engine bay. The vehicle can accommodate two crew members and four passengers, and can be fitted with a remote weapon station or firing ports. The Cougar 4×4 MRAP is powered by a Caterpillar C-7 diesel engine and has a maximum speed of 65 mph. The vehicle has been used by the US Marine Corps and other forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and other conflict zones.

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