Bell UH-1Y

Bell UH-1Y2

TypeMedium-sized utility helicopter
First flight20 December 2001

Photo gallery of a Bell UH-1Y, The Bell UH-1Y Venom (also called Super Huey) is a twin-engine, medium-sized utility helicopter, built by Bell Helicopter under the H-1 upgrade program of the United States Marine Corps. One of the latest members of the numerous Huey family, the UH-1Y is called also Yankee, from its variant letter. The UH-1Y was to have been remanufactured from UH-1Ns, but in 2005, it was approved for the aircraft to be built as new. After entering service in 2008, the UH-1Y is currently in full-rate production to replace the USMC’s aging fleet of UH-1N Twin Huey light utility helicopters, first introduced in the early 1970s

Source: Bell UH-1Y on Wiki

Bell UH-1Y
PhotographerCees Hendriks
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More info:

The Bell UH-1Y is a twin-engine, medium-sized utility helicopter that is used by the United States Marine Corps. It is an upgraded version of the Bell UH-1N, which was derived from the iconic Bell UH-1 Iroquois, also known as the Huey. The UH-1Y features a four-bladed rotor system, a glass cockpit, a digital avionics suite, and a more powerful engine. The UH-1Y can perform a variety of missions, such as troop transport, medical evacuation, close air support, search and rescue, and special operations. The UH-1Y entered service in 2008 and has been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The UH-1Y is also known as the Venom or the Yankee.

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