The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.22 - ALLIED-AXIS 22

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Marder II

Une dokumentasjon signée Ampersand-publisering le livre «The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.22 – ALLIED-AXIS 22» .

Table des matières:

  • M15/M15A1 half track multiple gun motor carriage
  • Scheinwerfer 37 150cm Searchlight
  • 57mm antitank gun M-1
  • M10 ammunition trailer
  • U.S. armor and infantry rations in WWII

Wait, Searching ALLIED-AXIS 22 for you…
The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.22 - ALLIED-AXIS 22
Fotojournalen for andre verdenskrig nr.
Wait, Searching Marder II for you…

Views : 451

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