US Fast Battleships 1936–47 - NEUE VANGUARD 169

Osprey Publishing

SerieNeue Vorhut
AutorLawrence Burr

Eine unterzeichnete Dokumentation Osprey Publishing le livre «US Fast Battleships 1936–47 – NEW VANGUARD 169» .

This volume details the design, construction, and operation of the first six of the ten US fast battleships, two of the North Carolina class and four of the South Dakota class. These six battleships were all authorized in 1936 and were the first vessels built in the US since 1923. Consequently, these ships benefitted from enormous technological leaps, with improvements in ship design, power, armor, armament and the single most important improvement the use of radar guided fire control helping to change the course of the war in the Pacific. Packed with first-hand accounts, battle reports, and specially created artwork this book tells the story of these war-winning vessels.

Quelle: Fischadler

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US Fast Battleships 1936–47 - NEUE VANGUARD 169
US Fast Battleships 1936–47 – NEUE VANGUARD 169
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