Typ4×4 užitkový vůz
Počet postavených359489(MB) + 277896(GPW)

Willys MB (běžně známý jako Jeep nebo jeep, formálně jako U.S. Army Truck, 1/4 tuny, 4×4) a Ford GPW jsou užitková vozidla s pohonem všech kol, která byla vyrobena během druhé světové války. Vyráběl se v letech 1941 až 1945, po válce se vyvinul v civilní Jeep CJ a inspiroval jak celou kategorii rekreačních 4WD, tak několik generací vojenských lehkých užitkových vozidel.

Pouštní skupina s dlouhým dosahem LRDG byla průzkumná a útočná jednotka britské armády během druhé světové války.

Zdroj: Jeep LRDG na Wikipedii

LRDG Jeep Procházka kolem
FotografVladimir Jakubov
LokalizaceMVCC Tábor Delta
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The Jeep LRDG was a modified version of the Willys MB Jeep used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) during World War II. The LRDG was a British special forces unit that operated behind enemy lines in the North African desert, conducting reconnaissance, sabotage and raids. The Jeep LRDG was adapted to suit the harsh conditions and the specific needs of the LRDG. Some of the modifications included: – A larger fuel tank and extra jerry cans to increase the range and endurance of the vehicle. – A sand channel and a spade to help extricate the vehicle from soft sand or mud. – A sun compass and a clinometer to aid navigation in the featureless terrain. – A Vickers K machine gun or a Lewis gun mounted on a pedestal in the rear for defense and fire support. – A camouflage net and a canvas cover to conceal the vehicle from aerial observation. – A wireless set and a generator to communicate with other LRDG patrols and headquarters. The Jeep LRDG proved to be a reliable and versatile vehicle that enabled the LRDG to carry out their missions with speed and stealth. The Jeep LRDG was also used by other allied units such as the Special Air Service (SAS) and the Free French Forces. The Jeep LRDG is considered to be one of the most iconic vehicles of World War II and a symbol of the LRDG’s daring exploits.

Počet zobrazení: 3227

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