Wydawnictwo Militaria 055 - Fiat CR 42

Wydawnictwo Militaria


Wydawnictwo Militaria 055


Fiat CR 42

Signed documentation Wydawnictwo Militaria "Fiat CR 42 - Wydawnictwo Militaria 055" magazine .

The Fiat CR.42 Falco est un avion de chasse de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. C’est le dernier biplan de ce type à être mis en service. Le Fiat CR.42 is one of the latest and certainly the most successful biplane fighter aircraft. Designed by engineer Celestino Rosatelli on the heels of the success of the famous Fiat CR.32 which unchallenged the Spanish skies during the Civil War. Its first flight took place on May 23, 1938, when the era of biplanes was about to disappear. Built with an all-metal structure, the cockpit was open. The Falco was recognized for its qualities and manoeuvrability, and its mass production was decided although Fiat Avio had already started manufacturing the Fiat G.50 and Macchi M.C 200 monoplane fighter jets, which used the same engine.

Source: Fiat CR 42 sur Wikipedia

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