Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik - Tamiya 61113


Ref 61113

Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik

Model depicts a late variant of the Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik (two-seat cockpit and swept outer wings) 3 kinds of canopies included and each may be depicted in either open or closed position. Highly-detailed cockpit accurately depicts the fuel tank positioned between pilot and gunner. Radiator and oil cooler reproduced accurately. Includes 2 kinds of covers for 23mm cannons. Parts for 100kg and 250kg bombs included. 3 kinds of rocket launcher parts included, Comes with 3 decal marking options.

Čaj Ilyushin Il-2 was one of the most significant ground-attack aircraft of WWII. It incorporated a sturdy monocoque construction and excellent armor protection to make it perfect for ground attack operations. It was initially conceived as a two-seat design but due to weight issues it was re-designed as a lighter single-seat aircraft in 1940. As production began in 1941, the aircraft was designated as the Il-2. Heavy losses of the single-seat aircraft during combat forced the addition of a rear gunner position in 1943. Later variants featured improvements such as swept outer wings for better handling. The Il-2 contributed greatly to the eventual Russian victory over Nazi Germany. Joseph Stalin himself famously noted that the aircraft was as vital to the Russian Army as air and bread.

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Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik - Tamiya 61113
Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik – Tamiya 61113
Tamiya 61113
Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik – Tamiya 61113
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