AH-1F Cobra Gunship Plastični model Kit - Revell 85-5321


Ref. 85-5321

AH-1F Cobra Gunship

Model brenda Revell komplet: AH-1F Cobra Gunship – Revell 85-5321.

Favored by the U.S. Army, the AH-1F Cobra is a purpose-built attack heli with extreme firepower. Its nose-mounted, 20 mm Gatling gun delivers devastating destruction with extreme accuracy. Kit features a moveable, nose-mounted Gatling gun, side-mounted mini-guns, side-mounted rocket pods, Weapons Officer and pilot figures, plus decals for 1. AH-1F Cobra, 67-15771, First Air Calvary, C Troop “Jaws of Death;” 2. AH-1F, 67-15883 “Trigger and Boomer’s Excellent Adventure, Operation Desert Storm and 3. AH-1F, 67-15843, N Troop, 4th Squadron, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army, Iraq, 1991.

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AH-1F Cobra Gunship Plastični model Kit - Revell 85-5321
AH-1F Cobra Gunship Plastični model Kit – Revell 85-5321
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