2K11 Krug

2K11 Krug

ZemljaSovjetski Savez
TipPrenosivi SAM sistem
U službi1965-danas

Čaj 2K11 Krug is a Soviet and now Russian medium-range, medium-to-high altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The system was designed by NPO Novator and produced by Kalinin Machine Building Plant. Its GRAU designation is “2K11.” Its NATO reporting name is SA-4 Ganef, the name was used because the system resembled the Bristol Bloodhound.

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Više informacija:

The 2K11 Krug (NATO reporting name: SS-21 Scarab) is a Russian short-range ballistic missile system. It is highly mobile and designed for tactical battlefield use.

Ključne karakteristike

  • High Mobility: Mounted on a highly mobile MAZ-543M 8×8 truck chassis, allowing for rapid deployment and relocation.
  • Short Range: Designed for tactical strikes against a variety of targets, including command centers, airfields, and troop concentrations.
  • Nuclear/Conventional Warheads: Capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional warheads.
  • High Accuracy: Relatively accurate for a short-range ballistic missile.


Several variants of the 2K11 Krug have been developed, including:

  • 2K11 Krug: The original version.
  • 2K11M Tochka: An improved version with increased range and accuracy.
  • 2K11M-2 Tochka-U: A further improved version with enhanced guidance and a more powerful engine.

The 2K11 Krug and its variants have been widely exported and are in service with several countries around the world.

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