Sovietsky JS-7 ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586


Ref 05586
TypSúprava modelov

Soviet JS-7 Heavy Tank

Model značky Trumpeter súprava: Soviet JS-7 Heavy Tank – Trumpeter 05586.

The kit consists of over 390+ parts : -the kit w/refined detail -multi-slide moulded lower hull and turret -photo-etched parts included

In 1948, the Ťažký tank IS-7 was developed. Weighing 68 metric tons, thickly armoured and armed with a 130 mm C-70 gun, it was the largest tank ever built by the USSR. Although it was in many ways an innovative design, it was never accepted for mass production due to its cumbersome size and the very impractical layout of its fighting compartment.

Source: Trumpeter

Sovietsky JS-7 ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586
Sovietsky JS-7 Ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586
Sovietsky JS-7 ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586
Sovietsky JS-7 Ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586
Sovietsky JS-7 ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586
Sovietsky JS-7 Ťažký tank - Trumpeter 05586
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