Bojovník 510

Warrior sledované obrnené vozidlo

TypObrnené vozidlo

Fotogaléria Warrior sledované obrnené vozidlo, The Warrior tracked vehicle family is a series of British armoured vehicles, originally developed to replace the older FV430 series of armoured vehicles. The Warrior started life as the MCV-80 project that was first broached in the 1970s, GKN Sankey/Defence winning the production contract in 1980. GKN Defence was subsequently purchased by BAE Systems (via Alvis plc). A total of 789 FV510 and variants were manufactured for the British Army, and 254 of a modified version (Desert Warrior) were produced for the Kuwaiti Army.

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Warrior tracked armoured vehicle – WalkAround
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návrhárGKN Sankey / GKN Obrana
VýrobcaSystémy GKN Sankey/BAe
Počet vstavaných1,000+
Hmotnosť25,4 tony
Dĺžka6,3 m
Šírka3,03 m
Výška2,8 m
Posádky3 (veliteľ, strelec, vodič) + 7 vojakov

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Súvisiace súpravy:

Warrior 510 Walk Around
FotografDarren Baker

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Pozri tiež:

Druhá svetová vojna: Definitívna vizuálna história od Blitzkriegu po atómovú bombu (DK Definitive Visual History) - Amazon Mapa druhej svetovej vojny podľa mapy (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Viac info:

Komisia Warrior sledované obrnené vozidlo is a British infantry fighting vehicle that has been in service since 1987. It was designed to replace the older FV430 series of armoured vehicles and to keep up with the speed and firepower of the Challenger 1 main battle tank. The Warrior has a three-man crew and can carry seven or ten infantry soldiers depending on the variant. It is armed with a 30 mm RARDEN cannon and a coaxial 7.62 mm chain gun.
Komisia Warrior has an aluminium hull with appliqué armour for protection against small arms fire and anti-tank weapons. The Warrior has been deployed in various conflicts, such as the Gulf War, the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan. The Warrior is currently undergoing a major upgrade programme called Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP), which will improve its mobility, survivability, lethality and situational awareness.

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