BM-31 12 カチューシャロケットランチャー - ウォークアラウンド

BM-31 12


アルバムのアルバム 200 BM-31 12カチューシャの写真ウォークアラウンド

BM-31 12カチューシャロケットランチャーのフォトギャラリー、 カチューシャ multiple rocket launchers are a type of rocket artillery first built and fielded by the Soviet Union in World War II. Multiple rocket launchers such as these deliver a devastating amount of explosives to a target area more quickly than conventional artillery, but with lower accuracy and requiring a longer time to reload. They are fragile compared to artillery guns, but are inexpensive and easy to produce. Katyushas of World War II, the first self-propelled artillery mass-produced by the Soviet Union, were usually mounted on trucks. This mobility gave the Katyusha (and other self-propelled artillery) another advantage: being able to deliver a large blow all at once, and then move before being located and attacked with counter-battery fire. Katyusha weapons of World War II included the BM-13 ランチャー、軽いBM-8、および重い BM-31.今日では、新しいトラック搭載ソビエトの複数のロケットランチャー(特に一般的なBM-21)とデリバティブにもニックネームが適用されています。

ソース: ウィキペディア

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