


Album de 156 photos du Sturmgeschütz

PériodeSeconde Guerre mondiale
arméeWehrmacht allemande

Sturmgeschütz (ou StuG) est un « arme d’assaut » used by the German Wehrmacht during the Second World War. The vehicle was built on the chassis of the proven Panzer III. Initially intended as a mobile, armoured light gun for providing close fire support to infantry, panzer, and panzergrenadier units, the StuG was continually modified throughout its existence. It was often used as a mobile artillery platform to destroy bunkers, pillboxes and other entrenched positions. After the invasion of Soviet Russia in 1941, the StuG III was also converted to use as a tank destroyer because its main armament was the only weapon with sufficient power to take on the Soviet T-34 or KV-1 tanks. It would go on to become Nazi Germanys most produced armoured fighting vehicle during World War II. The StuG was used primarily within the Sturmartillerie, a branch of the artillery in the Wehrmacht.


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