Canadian AVGP Husky [Early Version] - Trumpeter 01503


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Canadian AVGP Husky

Brändin malli Trumpeter sarja: Canadian AVGP Husky [Early Version] – Trumpeter 01503.

The kit consists of over 280 parts : -the kit w/refined detail -multi-slide moulded lower hull , upper hull -separate rear panel with crew entry doors -The main tires are hollow rubber with very good tread pattern -The photo-etched fret included

The Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (AVGP) fleet is comprised of three variants: the Cougar, the Grizzly, and the Husky. The AVGP fleet entered service in 1976. A total of 195 Cougars were originally procured to equip Regular and Reserve armoured units. Following the acquisition of the Coyote as a part of the 1999 Army Equipment Rationalisation Plan, the Cougar fleet was reduced to 100 vehicles – to be exclusively employed by Reserve armoured units. The AVGP fleet is currently undergoing a service life-extension program to increase its reliability, supportability and commonality with the Bison and Coyote fleets. Number in service: Cougar – 100, Grizzly – 274, Husky – 27.

Source: Trumpeter

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