Kriegsmarinen rannikkojoukot - UUSI VANGUARD 151


SarjaUusi vanguard
TekijäGordon Williamson
KuvittajaIan Palmer

Allekirjoitetut asiakirjat Osprey-julkaisu le livre «Kriegsmarine Coastal Forces – NEW VANGUARD 151» .

Vaikka usein unohdetaan U-veneiden tai taistelualusten hyväksi, suurin osa Kriegsmarine was formed of the smaller vessels of the coastal forces. These ships and boats, which included minesweepers, torpedo boats, patrol boats, and blockade breakers, gave crucial service to Germany during the war, and many continued serving for decades after the surrender in such tasks as clearing minefields. Also included in these forces was Hitler’s yacht, the Ostwind. This book reveals the history of the vessels that formed the backbone of the Kriegsmarine, and combines fascinating anecdotes, detailed technical information, and full-colour artwork.

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Kriegsmarinen rannikkojoukot - UUSI VANGUARD 151
Kriegsmarinen rannikkovoimat – UUSI VANGUARD 151
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