76mm canon de campagne mod.1939

Canon divisionnaire de 76 mm M1939

PaysUnion soviétique
TypePistolet divisionnaire
PhotoYuri Pasholok
DescriptionAlbum de 21 photos walk-around de « 76 mm pistolet divisionnaire M1939 »

Galerie de photos d’un Canon divisionnaire de 76 mm M1939, The 76-mm divisional gun M1939 (F-22 USV or USV) (Russian: 76-мм дивизионная пушка обр. 1939 г. (Ф-22 УСВ or УСВ)) was a 76.2 mm cannon produced in the Soviet Union. It was adopted for Red Army service in 1939 and used extensively in World War II. The gun was designated as « Divisionnaire » – délivré aux batteries sous le contrôle direct du siège de la division. Le F-22 USV était un modèle intermédiaire, venant entre le F-22, qui avait une capacité antiaéraire limitée, et le ZiS-3 plus simple et moins cher, qui a finalement remplacé dans la production et le service.

Source: Canon divisionnaire 76 mm M1939 sur Wiki

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Plus d’infos:

The 76 mm divisional gun M1939 was a Soviet artillery piece that was used during World War II. It was designed as a replacement for the older 76 mm divisional gun M1936, which had a shorter barrel and a lower muzzle velocity. The M1939 had a longer barrel and a higher muzzle velocity, which increased its range and penetration. The M1939 was also equipped with a semi-automatic breech mechanism, which improved its rate of fire. The M1939 was mounted on a split-trail carriage, which allowed it to be towed by horses or trucks. The M1939 was used as an anti-tank gun, a field gun, and an anti-aircraft gun. It was capable of firing armor-piercing, high-explosive, fragmentation, and shrapnel shells. The M1939 was widely used by the Soviet Army and its allies during the war, and proved to be effective against German tanks and infantry. The M1939 was also exported to several countries after the war, and remained in service until the 1960s.

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