Fairchild C-123K-palveluntarjoaja

Fairchild C-123 Provider

Ensimmäinen lento20 päivänä syyskuuta 1951

Nniiden Fairchild C-123 -palveluntarjoaja On yhdysvaltalainen sotilaskuljetuskone, jonka Chase Aircraft on suunnitellut ja jonka Fairchild Aircraft on myöhemmin rakentanut Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimille. Usaf-palvelunsa lisäksi, johon sisältyi myöhempi palvelus ilmavoimien reservissä ja ilmavoimien kansalliskaartissa, se palveli myös erityisesti Yhdysvaltain rannikkovartiostossa ja eri ilmavoimissa Kaakkois-Aasiassa. Vietnamin sodan aikana konetta käytettiin agentti Orangen ruiskuttamiseen.

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Fairchild C-123K Provider Walk Around
ValokuvaajatCees Hendriks
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Fairchild C-123K Provider Walk Around
ValokuvaajaVladimir Jakubov
LokalisointiLinnan AFB-museo

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Amodel - 1408
Palveluntarjoaja UC-123B/K
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Jyrsijä - 056
Fairchild C-123B -palveluntarjoajan klassikkokoneet
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Fairchild C-123K Provider Walk Around
ValokuvaajaBill Maloney

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The Fairchild C-123 Provider was a military transport aircraft that served with the United States Air Force and other allied forces from the 1950s to the 1990s. It was designed by Chase Aircraft and later produced by Fairchild Aircraft, with over 300 units built. The C-123 Provider had a high-wing, twin-engine configuration, with a large rear cargo ramp that allowed for easy loading and unloading of troops, supplies, vehicles and even paratroopers. The C-123 Provider was capable of operating from short and unimproved runways, making it suitable for various missions in remote and hostile areas.
The C-123 Provider saw extensive action during the Vietnam War, where it was used for airlift, medevac, aerial spraying of Agent Orange and other chemicals, and covert operations. The C-123 Provider was also deployed in other conflicts and humanitarian operations around the world, such as the Congo Crisis, the Dominican Civil War, the Iran hostage crisis, Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, and Operation Just Cause in Panama. The C-123 Provider was retired from the US Air Force in 1980, but some units continued to fly with the US Coast Guard and other foreign air forces until the mid-1990s.

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