Sturmgeschütz III і IV 1942–45 - НОВИЙ АВАНГАРД 37

Видавництво Оспрей

СеріяНовий авангард
AuthorsHilary Doyle Tom Jentz

Книга, підписана Видавництво Оспрей the «Sturmgeschütz III and IV 1942–45 – NEW VANGUARD 37» .

As the Second World War dragged on, heavy German losses in armoured vehicles and tanks ensured that assault gun units had to play an increasingly vital role in supporting the beleaguered infantry and countering Allied armour, particularly on the Eastern Front. The Sturmgeschütz was one of the most numerously produced and effectively deployed of the German armoured vehicles. This book reveals how the Sturmgeschütz provided the backbone of Germany’s armoured forces in every theatre and on every front during the long fighting-retreat of the final years of the war.

Джерело: Видавництво Оспрей

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Sturmgeschütz III і IV 1942–45 - НОВИЙ АВАНГАРД 37
Sturmgeschütz III і IV 1942–45 — НОВИЙ АВАНГАРД 37
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Переглядів : 320

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