Normandy 1944 - Photos

Normandy 1944


Album of 268 photos location Normandy 1944

The battle of Normandy is one of the great battles of the Second World War in the European theatre. It takes place between June and August 1944 in Normandy, and allows the Allied forces to open a new front in Europe, facing the German troops. It began on June 6, 1944 — called D-Day or Operation Overlord — with the landing and parachuting of the first Allied troops on and around the beaches of western Calvados and eastern Cotentin and ending between the 19th (first Allied units crossing the Seine) and 21 August (closing of the Falaise pocket), paving the way for the Liberation of Paris on 25 August. Some historians consider that the Battle of Normandy ends on 12 September with the liberation of Le Havre.

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