Seurattu Rapier

Seurattu Rapier

ValokuvaRobert De Craecker
KuvausAlbumi: 72 valokuvat kävelevät «Tracked Rapierista»

Valokuvagalleria Seurattu Rapier, Adapted Rapier system to fit on the M548, a cargo-carrier version of the ubiquitous M113 armored personnel carrier.

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Tracked Rapier is a variant of the Rapier surface-to-air missile system that uses a tracked vehicle as a launcher platform. It was developed by British Aerospace in the late 1970s for the Iranian Army, but after the Iranian Revolution, the order was cancelled and the system was adopted by the British Army instead. Tracked Rapier offered several advantages over the towed version, such as greater mobility, faster deployment, and increased missile capacity. Tracked Rapier was used by the British Army of the Rhine and later by the RAF Regiment to provide low-altitude air defence against enemy aircraft. Tracked Rapier was also exported to several countries, including Oman, Malaysia, and Brunei.

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