T-92 轻型坦克

T-92 轻型坦克

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照片库的 T-92 轻型坦克, T92 Light Tank was an innovative American light tank developed in the 1950s by Aircraft Armaments. At 18.5 tonnes, 5m length, it was designed as an airborne/airdropped replacement for the 5 tonnes heavier M41 Walker Bulldog. The T92 was never accepted into service. The main gun was a conventional 76 mm cannon with a very low profile turret. Little more was exposed than the main gun and two crew cupolas which allowed 50 caliber and 30 caliber machine guns to fire buttoned up. The engine was moved to the front, which increased protection, and a rear access door provided an escape hatch and protection while reloading; this layout was later adopted by the contemporary Israeli Merkava battle tank. It had a crew of four with a semi-automatic loading system. It carried 60 main gun rounds, and automatically ejected spent shell casings.

源: 维基百科上的T-92轻型坦克

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服务历史记录 In service : not accepted 规格 Weight : 15t Crew : 4 Main armament : T185E1






第二次世界大战:从闪电战到原子弹的权威视觉历史(DK 权威视觉历史) - 亚马逊 二战地图(DK历史地图) - 亚马逊


The T-92 Light Tank was a prototype of an American light tank that was developed in the 1950s by a company called Aircraft Armaments. It was intended to be a replacement for the M41 Walker Bulldog, a heavier and more conventional light tank that was already in service. The T-92 had a very low and flat hull, made of welded steel and castings, that was designed to deflect nuclear blast waves and reduce its silhouette. It also had a large turret with two cupolas, one for the commander and one for the gunner, and a semi-automatic loader for the main gun.
主炮是一门76毫米T185E1线膛炮,可以发射60发高速弹药。次要武器包括三挺机枪:一挺 12.7 毫米 M2HB 在指挥官的冲天炉中,一挺 7.62 毫米 M37 与主炮同轴,另一挺 7.62 毫米 M37 在炮手的冲天炉中。T-92由大陆AOI-628-1 8缸对置活塞汽油发动机提供动力,最高时速为56公里/小时,续航里程为338公里。T-92重18吨,有四名机组人员:指挥官,炮手,装载机和驾驶员。T-92从未被接受服役,因为人们认为将其制成两栖是不切实际的,这是苏联PT-76出现后未来轻型坦克的要求。T-92项目在建造和测试了两架原型机后于1958年6月被取消。


视图 : 3183
