Boeing B-52D-80-BO Stratofortress

Boeing B-52D-80-BO Stratofortress

TyyppiStrateginen pommittaja
ValokuvaVladimir Jakubov
EtsiLinnan AFB-museo
KuvausAlbumi: 149 valokuvia «Boeing B-52D-80-BO Stratofortress» -mallista

Valokuvagalleria Boeing B-52D-80-BO Stratofortress, The Boeing B-50 Superfortress is an American strategic bomber. A post–World War II revision of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress, it was fitted with more powerful Pratt & Whitney R-4360 radial engines, stronger structure, a taller tail fin, and other improvements. It was the last piston-engined bomber designed by Boeing for the United States Air Force (except the never-completed B-54, a derivative of the B-50). Not as well known as its direct predecessor, the B-50 was in USAF service for nearly 20 years.

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RooliStrateginen pommittaja
Ensimmäinen lento25 June 1947
Ensisijainen käyttäjäYhdysvaltain ilmavoimat
Luotu numero370

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Katsottu: 1953

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