Центуріон Танк - Білл Манро

The Crowood Press

Автер (Івате)

Bill Munro


Centurion Tank

Тип192 стор.

Опис книги: The Centurion was the British Army’s first standard post-World War Two main battle tank. It first saw combat in the Korean War, and was used by a number of armed forces in many engagements over the next thirty years. Many different variants were produced, and many remain in service to this day.

About the Author : Bill Munro is a third generation licensed cab driver. He writes regularly for Taxi, the largest circulating cab trade journal, and has written numerous magazine articles and classic car club newsletters. He is the author of A Century of London Taxis [Crowood 2006] and is a resident of Surrey, England.

Центуріон Танк - Білл Манро
Центуріон Танк – Білл Манро
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