Panzerkampfwagen III Char moyen 1936–44 - NOUVEAU VANGUARD 27

Éditions Osprey

SerieNouvelle avant-garde
AuteurBryan Perrett
IllustrateursMike Badrocke Mike Chappell David Smith

Un livre signé par Éditions Osprey the «Panzerkampfwagen III Medium Tank 1936–44 – NEW VANGUARD 27» .

During the glory years of blitzkrieg the PzKpfw III was the only weapon in the German tank arsenal that really counted. Like Napoleons vieux moustaches, it did not merely witness history in the making – it made it, from the Channel to the Volga, and from the Arctic to the North African desert. It was the PzKpfw III that brought Hitler to the gates of Moscow and the closest to achieving his wildest dreams. This detailed study delves into the development and employment of the PzKpfw III, as well as its organisation and battlefield experience, illustrated by an examination of the battles in which it took part.

Source: Éditions Osprey

Panzerkampfwagen III Char moyen 1936–44 - NOUVEAU VANGUARD 27
Panzerkampfwagen III Char moyen 1936-44 – NEW VANGUARD 27
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