GTK Μπόξερ (GTFz) - Revell 03093


Αναφορά 03093

GTK Boxer (GTFz)

Ένα μοντέλο της μάρκας Ρεβέλ το κιτ: GTK Boxer (GTFz) – Revell 03093.

The 2011 Boxer is a motorized armored transport vehicle that outshines all others in its class. The modular Boxer can carry up to eight fully equipped troops. Armament is provided by the FLW 200 weapons platform. Kit is modeled in the “driving” position. Features include detailed and finely engraved surface areas, a detailed chassis, realistic module construction, a movable FLW 200 weapons platform with optional 12.7 mm machine guns and a 40 mm machine grenade launcher, a smoke discharge unit, a movable driver’s hatch, rubber tires and four decal options.

Πηγή: GTK μπόξερ για Revell

GTK Μπόξερ (GTFz) - Revell 03093
GTK Μπόξερ (GTFz) – Revell 03093
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