Firefly 1c Welded Hull - DML 6568

Модель дракона


Firefly 1c Welded Hull

Une maquette de la marque Модель дракона La Maquette : Sd.Kfz.184 Ferdinand Kursk 1943 – DML 6495.

У 201 Шерман Світлячок was a World War II British variant of the American Sherman tank, fitted with the powerful British 17 pounder anti-tank gun as its main weapon. Originally conceived as a stopgap until future British tank designs came into service, the Sherman Firefly became the most common vehicle with the 17 pounder in World War II. Though the British expected to have their own new tank models developed soon, British Major George Brighty championed the already-rejected idea of mounting the 17 pounder in the existing Sherman. With the help of Lieutenant Colonel Witheridge and despite official disapproval, he managed to get the concept accepted. This proved fortuitous, as both the Challenger and Cromwell tank designs experienced difficulties and delays.

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Firefly 1c Welded Hull - DML 6568
Firefly 1c Welded Hull – DML 6568
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