Aero L-39C Albatros

L-39 Albatros

TipAvioni džet-trenera
FotografSergej Cvetkov

Album albuma 53 photos walk-around of a «L-39 Albatros»

Foto-galerija a L-39 Albatros, The Aero L-39 Albatros is a high-performance jet trainer aircraft developed in Czechoslovakia by Aero Vodochody. It was designed during the 1960s as a replacement for the Aero L-29 Delfín as a principal training aircraft. The L-39 Albatros has the distinction of being the first of the second-generation jet trainers to be produced, as well as being the first trainer aircraft to be equipped with a turbofan powerplant. The type was widely exported to a wide range of international operators as a military trainer.

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Više informacija:

The L-39 Albatros is a jet trainer and light attack aircraft developed by Aero Vodochody in Czechoslovakia. It first flew in 1968 and entered service in 1972 with the Czechoslovak Air Force and other Warsaw Pact countries. It was the first trainer aircraft in the world to use a turbofan engine, which gave it better performance and fuel efficiency than previous jet trainers. The L-39 Albatros has been exported to many countries around the world, and has also been used for civilian purposes such as aerobatic displays and racing. The L-39 Albatros is still in production today, with a modernized version called the L-39NG that meets the latest military standards and requirements.

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