M4 visokohitralični traktor

M4 visokohitralični traktor

VrstaTopnični traktor
V servisu1943–1960

The M4 High-Speed Tractor was an artillery tractor used by the US Army from 1943. The M4 was based on the chassis and drive train of the obsolescent M3 Light Tank which introduced the trailing idler. This common practice of re-using old vehicles simplified design, allowed for easy production, and made maintenance in the field easier.

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M4 visoke hitrosti traktor sprehod okoli
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M4 Visokohitrostni traktor (3in. / 90mm)
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See also:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Več informacij:

text The M4 High Speed Tractor was an artillery tractor used by the US Army from 1943 to 1960. It was designed by Allis-Chalmers and based on the chassis of the M2 Light Tank. It had a Waukesha gasoline engine that produced 210 horsepower and could reach a maximum speed of 35 mph. The M4 High Speed Tractor could tow various heavy guns, such as the 90 mm anti-aircraft gun, the 155 mm gun or the 8-inch howitzer. It had a crew of one driver and could transport up to eleven gunners in the rear compartment. It was also equipped with a Browning M2 machine gun for self-defense. The M4 High Speed Tractor was deployed on many fronts during World War II, including Normandy, and was also supplied to several allied countries after the war.

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