Bolkow Bo-105

Bolkow Bo-105r

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V Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm Bo 105 je lahki, dvomotorni, večnamenski helikopter, ki ga je razvil Bölkow iz Ottobrunn v Nemčiji. Ima razlikovanje med prvim lahkim dvomotornim helikopterjem na svetu in je prvo rotorsko plovilo, ki bi lahko izvajalo aerobatične manevre, kot so obrnjene zanko. Bo 105 ima revolucionarni sistem rotorjev brez nehavk, takrat pionirsko inovacijo v helikopterjih, ko je bil uveden v obratovanje leta 1970. Proizvodnja Bo 105 se je začela na takrat nedavno združenem Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm

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See also:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Več informacij:

The Bolkow Bo-105 is a light, twin-engine, multi-purpose helicopter that was developed by the German company Bölkow in the 1960s. It was the first helicopter of its kind to feature a hingeless rotor system, which allowed it to perform aerobatic maneuvers such as inverted loops and rolls. The Bo-105 also had a spacious cabin that could accommodate various missions, such as air rescue, law enforcement, offshore transport, and anti-tank warfare. The Bo-105 was produced by several manufacturers, including MBB, Eurocopter, CASA, IPTN, and NAMC, and was operated by many countries around the world. The Bo-105 was retired from production in 2001 and was replaced by the Eurocopter EC135.

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