Zvon 47D

Bell 47

Državi Zda
Vlogo Večnamenski lahki helikopter
Prvi let 8. december 1945
Zgrajena 5600

V Zvonec 47 je en rotor enomotorni lahki helikopter, ki ga proizvaja Bell Helicopter. Na podlagi tretjega prototipa Bell 30, prvega helikopterja podjetja, ki ga je zasnoval Arthur M. Young, je 47 8. marca 1946 postal prvi helikopter, certificiran za civilno uporabo. Proizvedenih je bilo več kot 5.600 Bell 47, vključno s tistimi, ki jih je Agusta licenco imela v Italiji, Kawasaki Heavy Industries na Japonskem in Westland Aircraft v Združenem kraljestvu. Bell 47J Ranger je spremenjena različica s popolnoma zaprto kabino in trupom.

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Bell 47D Walk Around
Fotograf Vladimir Jakubov
Lokalizacijo Hiller Air Museum
Fotografije 95
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Bell 47D MASH HL
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See also:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Bell 47G-3B-1 Walk Around
FotografVladimir Jakubov
LokalizacijoNavpični izziv 2009 Air Show
Bell 47G Walk Around
FotografVladimir Jakubov
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Več informacij:

The Bell 47 is a single-engine two-seat light helicopter that was designed and produced by Bell Aircraft Corporation in the United States. It was the first mass-produced helicopter and the first to be certified for civilian use. The Bell 47 was widely used for various purposes, such as aerial photography, crop dusting, medical evacuation, military training, and police work. The Bell 47 was also featured in many films and television shows, such as MASH, Whirlybirds, and Magnum P.I. The Bell 47 has a distinctive bubble-shaped canopy that provides excellent visibility for the pilot and the passenger. The helicopter is powered by a Lycoming O-435 engine that drives a two-blade main rotor and a two-blade tail rotor. The Bell 47 has a maximum speed of 105 mph (169 km/h) and a range of 214 miles (344 km). The Bell 47 was introduced in 1946 and remained in production until 1974. More than 5,600 units were built and many are still flying today.

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