Corbitt Model 50SD6

6-ton 6×6 tovornjak

Vlogo6-ton 6×6 tovornjak

6-tonski 6×6 tovornjak (G512, 514, 547, 569) je bila družina težkih taktičnih tovornjakov, zgrajenih za vojsko ZDA med drugo svetovno vojno. Osnovna tovorna različica je bila zasnovana za prevoz tovora s 6 tonami (5.400 kg) tovora po vseh terenih v vseh vremenskih pogojih. Šasijo je zgradil Brockway Motor Company, The Corbitt Podjetje, Avto podjetje Four Wheel Drive (FWD), Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation in White Motor Company. Zamenjali so jih tovornjaki serije M39 s 5 tonami 6×6 v 50.

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Corbitt Model 50SD6, Tovornjak, 6-tonski, 6×6 Sprehod Okoli
FotografiVladimir Jakubov
LokalizacijoVojaški muzej južne Nove Anglije
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See also:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Več informacij:

The 6-ton 6×6 truck is a versatile vehicle that can perform a variety of tasks in different terrains and environments. It has a payload capacity of 6 tons and can tow up to 10 tons. The truck is powered by a diesel engine that delivers 240 horsepower and 800 Nm of torque. The truck has a six-wheel drive system that provides traction and stability on rough roads and off-road conditions. The truck also has a central tire inflation system that allows the driver to adjust the tire pressure according to the terrain. The truck is equipped with a cab that can accommodate three crew members and has air conditioning, heating, and radio communication systems. The truck can also be fitted with various modules and attachments depending on the mission requirements, such as cargo platforms, water tanks, fuel tanks, cranes, dump bodies, shelters, and weapon systems. The 6-ton 6×6 truck is a reliable and durable vehicle that can support military and civilian operations in any scenario.

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