Фоникс J 1 D.II

Phönix D.I

РольБиплан истребитель
Первый полет1917

Teh Феникс Д.И., с вариантами D.II и D.III, был австро-венгерский истребитель-биплан Первой мировой войны, построенный Ph'nix Flugzeug-Werke и основанный на Hansa-Brandenburg D.I.

Источник: Фёникс Д.И. в Википедии

Phonix J 1 D.II Walk Around
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Дополнительная информация:

The Phönix D.I was a single-seat fighter aircraft developed and manufactured by the Austrian company Phönix Flugzeug-Werke during the First World War. It was based on the Hansa-Brandenburg D.I design, but featured a more streamlined fuselage, a larger wingspan, and a more powerful engine. The Phönix D.I entered service with the Austro-Hungarian Air Service in late 1917 and proved to be a fast and agile fighter that could hold its own against the Allied aircraft. The Phönix D.I was also used by the Polish Air Force during the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921. About 158 Phönix D.I aircraft were built, and some of them survived until the 1930s.

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